Enrolment - Huarahi Whakauru
Everything you need to know about our Kura enrolment process and the entry criteria for tamariki and whānau.

TIMING: The earlier you can get your enrolment in, the better. If you are considering enrolling your tamaiti at our Kura it is important that you get your enrolment in ideally 2 terms before you want your tamaiti to start at Kura. This is important as if you are a new whānau your enrolment will be considered at Whānau Hui which takes place twice a term (week 2 and week 9 of each term). You will be expected to “tono” for your child at our Whānau Hui. Current Whānau usually do not need to tono at Whānau Hui but may need to in some instances.
REO: Te reo Māori is the language of instruction at our Kura. Before considering enrolling please consider whether your child would be able to learn in a reo only speaking environment.
WHĀNAU INVOLVEMENT: Whānau are expected to be involved in Kura through Ohu/Sub-Committee representation, attendance/engagement at Whānau Hui and engagement in Kura affairs.
Enrolment Form
Kōrero with the Office/Tari and get the Enrolment form
If you are considering enrolling your tamaiti at our Kura please pop into the Tari to have a kōrero and pick up an enrolment form or call and ask for one to be emailed to you. You will be asked initial questions around the age and reo capability of your tamaiti and the reo capability and participation commitment of your whānau.
Enrolment Form Completed
Upon receipt of your fully completed enrolment form by the Tari - your enrolment will be referred to the Ohu Arotake for consideration. The Ohu Arotake looks after new enrolments.
Ohu Arotake Hui
Ohu Arotake is a sub-committee of Kura made up of current whānau representatives. A member of Ohu Arotake will be in touch with you to discuss how the Kura operates and most importantly to discuss whether the enrolment meets the enrolment criteria of the Kura (see below for enrolment criteria). This conversation will take about 10 minutes.
The Ohu Arotake member will then let you know if she/he will recommend to Ohu Arotake that it supports your enrolment - the recommendation is based on whether the criteria for enrolment (noted below) is met or not.

Enrolment Criteria
Acceptance into Te Kura-a-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano (WRM) is a whānau effort.
Te Kotahitanga ki te Tonga: WRM was established principally for the children and whānau of the Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai, Ngāti Raukawa and Ngāti Toa (ART Confederation) who meet the criteria below. Tono for children from outside the ART Confederation will also be considered.

Whānau wanting to enrol their children into WRM must be able to meet the following requirements:
Reo of Mātua/Guardian/s: The mātua/guardian/s (at least one mātua/guardian in the household) must be able to demonstrate a strong knowledge and comprehension of te reo māori and a commitment to a journey in te reo for the whānau.
This could include:
Strong conversational reo at home;
Past/present participation in learning Te Reo Māori; or
Engaging in reo learning programmes such as Heke Reo.
WRM Involvement: The mātua/guardian/s must be prepared to play an active role in the life of WRM. They must be able to commit to involvement in the affairs of WRM, particularly:
Expression of Mātāpono within WRM;
Attendance and participation at whānau hui;
Participation of one whānau member on an ohu at WRM; and
Make contributions to and participate in other WRM activities.
Tamaiti: The child must have a strong knowledge and comprehension of Te Reo Māori. For new entrants attendance at Kohanga Reo/Māori ECE or strong reo in the home is expected. For other year groups attendance at Kura Kaupapa or Kura-ā-Iwi is expected. In terms of the reo capability of the child we do operate a high trust arrangement i.e. we rely on the parent/guardians advice on the reo capability of the child. In some instances Ohu Arotake may need to assess the reo capability of the child at their discretion.
Tono at Whānau Hui
For whānau new to Kura - If your enrolment is supported by Ohu Arotake you will then be asked to attend the next Whānau Hui to tono to our Kura Whānau for your child to start at Te Kura-ā-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano. Ko te tikinga o te tono - me tono ki roto i te reo Māori, it is excpected that you complete your tono in te reo Māori.
After you present your tono - Ohu Arotake will advise whānau whether Ohu Arotake supported the tono and why; whānau may have questions; the Chairperson will then ask whānau if they agree to the tono being accepted and the tamaiti starting Kura.
For current whānau with additional tamariki enrolled typically there is no need to tono at whānau hui but in some instances there may be a need for a re-tono.
For returning whānau - Re-tono will depend on how long the child has been gone from Kura.
What you must highlight as part of your tono
Whakapapa o te tamaiti me te whānau.
Why is Te Kura-a-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano a Kura of choice for your tamaiti?
What do you know about our Kura?
Outline how you give expression to at least 3 mātāpono in your daily life.
Confirm the reo capability of your child (i.e. she’s been at kohanga reo since she was 2).
Confirm your commitment to support your child on their reo journey and how (i.e. you are currently enrolled in a reo course and you engage with your child in te reo).
Confirm your commitment to be involved in the affairs of the Kura.
Tono that are not supported
If your tono is not supported by Ohu Arotake or at Whānau Hui we will clearly outline why and if you are interested - discuss a plan with you to get your child to a position where we would reconsider you interest in starting at our Kura (e.g. we have recommended in the past that a
pre-schooler attend at least a term at reo-medium childcare centre).
For new entrants there is an opportunity for them to attend Kura every Wednesday from Week 2 to Week 9 of the term prior to them turning 5 and officially being able to start at Kura - this is called a Hikoi. Having your tamaiti do their Hikoi is a great opportunity to ease them into the Kura life!