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About Us - Ko Wai Mātou

E kore au e ngaro, he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiātea.

 I will not be lost, for I am a seed sown from Rangiātea.

Te Kura-ā-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano is a tikanga Māori Kura that is guided by Ngā Mātāpono. We are a Kura that responds to the needs of Māori in what we teach and the way we behave. We are based within close proximity to local Kōhanga and Te Wānanga o Raukawa - as part of the determination of the Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa (the Founding Iwi of the ART Confederation) to establish a seamless educational pathway, Kōhanga to Wānanga.

Whāia te ara o Tāwhaki | Follow the pathway of Tawhaki

The ART Confederation has a traditional view of education encompassed in the whakatauākī “Whāia te ara o Tāwhaki, follow the pathway of Tawhaki” which we believe is a good position from which to start. We have promoted a Mātauranga Māori based curriculum which is defined by the hau kāinga as “te whakamāramatanga o ngā tikanga tuku iho e puta ai te titiro a te Māori ki tōna ao”. These have been the tenets on which we have developed a Kura whose language of play and instruction is Te Reo Māori. 

We have created a learning environment that gives more opportunity for experiential learning. Our Kura boundaries are not set by the fences.  We describe our school playground in a holistic manner - it includes our marae, awa, moana, maunga and ngāhere. Wherever we go we take our tikanga with us.

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Ngā Mātāpono |
Guiding Principles

Our Kura is guided by 10 Mātāpono through teaching/learning, management and governance of the Kura. 

Manaakitanga, Rangatiratanga, Wairuatanga, Ūkaipotanga, Whanaungatanga, Kaitiakitanga, Kotahitanga, Pūkengatanga, Whakapapa, Te reo.

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Aronga | Purpose

To provide an educational environment that promotes the educational vision, goal, objectives, management and self determination of Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Raukawa and Ngāti Toarangatira.

In doing so, Te Kura-ā-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano will contribute to closing the gap in educational outcomes between Māori and Pākeha.

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Whāinga-ā-Kura | Aim

To provide a Kura-ā-Iwi whose language of instruction and play is te reo Māori, whose operations are grounded in tikanga Māori and who together with the whānau, hapū and iwi of our tamariki will strive to ensure that we produce young people:

  • Who have an excellent competency in te reo Māori and Mātauranga Māori with a particular emphasis on Awa, Raukawa and Toarangatiratanga;

  • Who are high achievers and able to make choices about their future; and

  • Who are able to contribute to their whānau hapū and Iwi.

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Whāinga Rautaki | Strategic Objectives 

At the beginning of 2021 whānau held a hui Whakakaupapa to agree key focus areas for the Kura for the next 3 years (2021 - end of 2023).  Our Kura has committed to 4 strategic objectives for the period. 


There are actions that support each of these objectives.  Our Kura management is tasked with setting an annual plan that will work towards delivering on these 4 focus areas:

Whāinga Rautaki 1:

He kura ngā tamariki. Poipoia kia pēra ano rātou i a Tāwhaki.

Our children are exceptional. We will nurture them so they will be like Tāwhaki.

Whāinga Rautaki 2:

Whakatairangahia te Kaitiakitanga hei kaupapa matua o te Kura.

Elevate Kaitiakitanga as a key pillar of our Kura.

Whāinga Rautaki 3:

He taonga te reo, kia tuawhiti tonu te taumata o te reo, kia rere Māori mai hoki i te arero o te ākonga me tōna whānau. 

Te reo is a treasure, lets continue to lift the standard of te reo so its the natural first language for our students and whānau.

Whāinga Rautaki 4:

Kia rangatira te tū o te Kura.

Strengthen the management, governance and engagement of our Kura.

Kura will report to whānau regularly on its progress against these objectives.

Annual Reports and Policies

Policies can be accessed here.
(Coming soon)

2024 Annual Report
Annual Reports

Ngā Kaimahi

Te Kura-a-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano kaimahi directory 2021

Laken Seng-Maru                    
Heni Roa
Daisy Davis
Arihia Daly
Riria Hepi
Te Aroha Poipoi Martin   
Tasha Webby                 
Regina Hepi
Alicia Miratana                                                           
Tukahia Cooper                  
Zivana Eriha
Erena Cooper               

Nathan Picchi                    
Moko Cooper                                  

Adrian Leason
Kataraina Tims                

Ngā Kaimahi 2025

Tanira Cooper                     Tumuaki
Anihaera Armstrong             Kura Manager
Te Reinga Keelan-Rawiri       Kura Administrator
Robert Cooper                    Kura Kaitiaki
Merle Metekingi                  Kura Kaitiaki

Tutere Henare                     Kaiwhakahaere Kai


Ngā Kaiako me ngā akomanga 2025

Kura Name

Te Kura-ā-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano


He Kura reo Māori.  Students are taught entirely in Te Reo Māori

Profile No.


Decile rating


Annual Reports

Policies can be accessed here.
(Coming soon)

Roll Number

190 students at Te Kura-ā-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano (as at 10/02/2024.



Tanira Cooper



Tash Webby


Kura Teina: Regina Hepi and Tash Webby

Wharekura: Moko Cooper


Senior Leadership Team

Tumuaki, Tumurua and Pou


Te Kura-ā-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano is a whānau led/governed Kura.  This means that whānau are the Mana Whakahaere of the Kura.  Some responsibilities are delegated to a smaller group - Ohu Whakahaere which is made up of the convener of the school Ohu/Subcommittees. Ohu Whakahaere acts as a quasi Board of Trustees.


Each whānau is required to be represented on one of the Ohu/Subcommittees of the Kura. .


As a whānau-led Kura we rely on whānau input through Ohu and active whānau engagement in Kura affairs.

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