Ngā Pārongo ā Kura
Kura information that all whānau should know - present and future.
Kura Hours
9am - 3pm Mane - Paraire
There is usually 1 teacher’s only day per term. We will advise whānau well in advance of this date.
Ngā Hui Kaiako
8:30 am
3:15 pm
Senior Management
1:10 pm
8:30 am
3:15 pm
School Term dates & holidays 2023
Term One - Wāhanga Tuatahi
30 o Kohitātea - 7 o Paenga-whāwhā (10 wiki)
Term Two - Wāhanga Tuarua
24 o Paenga Whàwhà - 30 o Pìpiri(10 wiki)
Term Three - Wāhanga Tuatoru
17 o Hōngongoi - 22 o Mahuru (10 wiki)
Term Four - Wāhanga Tuawhā
9 o Whiringa ā nuku - 15 o Hakihea (9 wiki)
Whānau Hui Dates
There are 2 Whānau Hui each term. Usually week 2 and week 9 of the term. It is expected that every whānau is represented at hui.
Whānau Hui are usually held at the Kura Hall at 6pm unless otherwise advised. In these times of Covid we have been holding our whānau hui online. We will remind you of these dates 2 weeks before hui:
If your child will not be at school for any reason please call the Tari and leave a message ideally before Kura starts or alternatively message their kaiako first thing in the morning. If you have not informed us that your child will be absent they will be marked absent on the morning roll.
We send out absent notification to parents of children that are absent with no explanation.
Please keep your contact information up to date.
If your child is late please ensure they go to the Tari to sign in.
Manaakitanga Fees
Our Kura used to ask for a koha of $100 a year ($25 a term) from each Whānau but this is no longer required.
Whānau Account
Upon enrolment of your tamaiti at Kura you will be set up with a whānau account. All Kura purchases can be seen through your account. If you are eligible to the transport pūtea this will be credited to your account.
Stationary is provided by the Kura and added to your whānau account. You can talk to the Tari about any outstanding debt and set up payment plans through the Tari.
Kura/class trips and excursions
There are often offsite activities that different classes participate in. Date/s and associated costs will be advised well in advance. Mātua are asked to meet the costs of these excursions which are always kept to an absolute minimum. In some instances there may be fundraising initiatives to pay for the excursion.
Students with Cellphones at Kura
Students who bring cellphones to Kura will be asked to take them to the Tari and leave them there until Kura has finished for the day, failure to do so may result in cellphones being confiscated for the term.
Lost property
The lost property box is kept at the Tari.
Teacher Aid
We have access to teacher aids in Kura to help students who may be struggling with different kaupapa/subjects. Please make contact with your kaiako if you want to consider accessing this assistance.
From Term 2 2021 until the end of 2023 our Kura will provide lunches at school as part of the Ministry of Education Ka Ora, Ka Ako Healthy Lunches in Schools programme. Fruit and Weetbix is also available in the morning for morning tea.
Under the Pānui tab of this website you will find more information on the Ka Ora, Ka ako initiative alongside the weekly menu's.
Water is the only permitted drink tamariki can bring to Kura.
Fortnightly pānui will be sent home in your child’s bag every Friday, uploaded onto the Pānui tab of this website, shared on the Kura App, emailed and a link provided on the Kura Facebook Page.
The Kura app can be downloaded through the following link:
Please download the app and keep it regularly updated to receive important communications.
Class specific communications will be through a forum set up by kaiako. Most kaiako use facebook messenger and set up a group chat with parents.
There is a Kura bus from Levin to Kura. Please make contact with the Tari if you want more information on this.
There is a public bus available from Paraparaumu/Waikanae to Kura. It does however arrive late to Ōtaki and there is a short walk from Ōtaki township to Kura. Kids will arrive around 9.15am and will need to leave school at 2.55 to catch the bus home.
There is transport pūtea available for whānau who live outside of Ōtaki. Please talk to this Tari about this.