He Mihi Whakatau
Piki mai kake mai
Hāere mai i runga i te kōmuri hau
Ki te whāinga mai o ō mate tautini
E hinga mai rā i te tara ā whare
Kua okioki te hunga kua hinga e mahue ake rā
Me ahakoa me tiki ake i te kete pūtea e iri nei i te tara ā whare
Ka ao ka ao te rā, kua awatea.
Kareu te pewa ki te tuarā nui ō Pakake, ki te whare toka o Tararua.
Hei aku rātā kāuru e whāinu nei i te korokoro e eke ai te reo ki te korokītanga.
Waitatāpia, Waitoauru, Ōtaki, kua ora a Ōtaki i a koutou.
E te waewae Kāpiti ō Tara rāua ko Rangitāne, e te wānanga o te kotahitanga,
e tohu nei i te mana ō tuawhakarere, te whare wānanga o te nui, o te wehi, o te whakamanawanui.
Tautī mai ki te kura whakaahuru mōwai, urutomohia mai Te Kura ā Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano.
He Kura Taiao
We have created a learning environment that gives more opportunities for experiential learning. Our Kura boundaries are not set by the fences.
We describe our Kura playground in a holistic manner - it includes our
marae, awa, moana, maunga and ngāhere. Wherever we go we take our tikanga with us.

Aronga | Purpose
To provide an educational environment that promotes the educational vision, goal, objectives, management and self determination of Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Raukawa and Ngāti Toarangatira.
In doing so, Te Kura-ā-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano will contribute to closing the gap in educational outcomes between Māori and Pākeha.

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